
Welcome to

Greater Bethel AME Church

At Greater Bethel AME Church, we are a vibrant community of believers dedicated to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us in our mission to make disciples, grow our church family, and serve our community with compassion and faith.

OUR  Mission 

At Greater Bethel AME Church, our mission is to go forth and make disciples of all generations by helping people learn about Jesus Christ, believe in Him, and obey His words. We are dedicated to baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching our community to observe everything He has commanded us. We strive to bridge the gap between generations, fostering unity and understanding within our church family. 

Our ministries

  • youth ministry

    We offer a safe and fun space for our youth of today to discover more who they are as they develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  This ministry is filled with fun activities as well as life lessons according to the living and powerful word of God.  Additionally, we talk and teach about how to discover their purpose and apply the gifts and talents in a positive way,

  • church school

    We teach weekly biblical lessons that are applicable for everyday living for all age groups.

  • abraham & sarah ministry

    We provide emotional, physical and spiritual support to  those members who are not able to come to church.  Through visits and providing items that are needed or healthy items that are desired.  Additionally we provide gift cards from local pharmacies to our seniors to help assist them with the cost of their medicine. 

  • Mary Magdalene Ministry

    Our hospitality ministry, they serve in the culinary ministry and welcome committee. This ministry provides the necessary support during our Worship Service in the local park, back school events, and all of hosting events. 

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